Pregnant women are waiting for your help

If you have the funds, you can support:

  • psychological assistance service for pregnant women in a crisis situation (funding a week of work of one psychological assistance point – 10 thousand rubles – allows you to save the life of one child);
  • any of the educational programs (training courses for counseling psychologists and lecturers; publication of methodological materials for counselors and information materials for pregnant women; creation of new films),
  • a pregnant woman in a crisis situation or has given birth to a ward of the Foundation

Volunteers needed

Help of volunteers with personal transport – to take strollers, children’s furniture, clothes to the Foundation’s wards, to meet them from the hospital.

We need voluntary help from a photographer, courier, typesetter, designer, layout designer, programmer, videographer and video editor. Tel. coordinator 8 (905) 516-86-07.

Address of collection of clothing aid:

  1. Elena Anisimova Metro Tretyakovskaya, Metro Dobryninskaya, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 60. Tel: +7 916 261-81-87
  2. Nadezhda, metro Novokosino, Suzdalskaya st., 8A. Tel: +7 903 259-41-39

Warehouse employee phone number 8 (926) 413-59-92, 8 (903) 771-39-61 Evgeniy.


Bank details of the ruble account with OTP Bank:

p / c No. 40703810800110000176
TIN of the bank 7708001614
BIK 044525311, c / s 30101810000000000311.
Payee: Charitable Foundation “Family and Childhood”
Purpose of payment: “CHARITABLE DONATION TO AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES” (receipts to the account with other purposes of payment, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are taxed)

For payments through the Yandex.Money system, account number 41001135953528

RBK Money

We accept donations through RBK money system.

Charitable Foundation Family and Childhood