Thematic issue of the “Family Health Digest” is dedicated to the problems of unplanned pregnancy

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A psychologist in a medical facility who talks to a woman who comes to book an abortion often has only 15 -20 minutes, which is only enough to build a trusting relationship, try to hear about the real, and not declared, reasons that led her to an abortion clinic, talk about the possibilities of further social and psychological support in case of refusal to have an abortion. At the same time, there is usually not enough time to provide information on other issues that may concern a woman and that are directly related to her choice to refuse or have an abortion. The proposed publication, which a psychologist can give a woman after a consultation, is designed to enable her to read the information she needs and think about it at home in a relaxed atmosphere. The materials of the issue were selected taking into account the many years of experience of psychologists in dealing with pregnant women in a state of crisis.

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Charitable Foundation Family and Childhood